current account - définition. Qu'est-ce que current account
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est current account - définition

Current Account         
Current Account; Current account balance; Current-account balance; Current-account; Current account (disambiguation)
current account         
Current Account; Current account balance; Current-account balance; Current-account; Current account (disambiguation)
(current accounts)
A current account is a personal bank account which you can take money out of at any time using your cheque book or cash card. (BRIT; in AM, use checking account
His current account was seriously overdrawn.
A country's current account is the difference in value between its exports and imports over a particular period of time. (BUSINESS)
Portugal will probably have a small current-account surplus for 1992.
N-COUNT: usu sing, oft N n
current account         
Current Account; Current account balance; Current-account balance; Current-account; Current account (disambiguation)
¦ noun Brit. an account with a bank or building society from which money may be withdrawn without notice.


Current account
Current account or Current Account may refer to:
Exemples de prononciation pour current account
1. current account imbalances, there's only one company
Austerity - The History of a Dangerous Idea _ Mark Blyth _ Talks at Google
2. So you start to get these current account imbalances.
Austerity - The History of a Dangerous Idea _ Mark Blyth _ Talks at Google
3. Like I had like zero on my current account, and four
Essays by a Girl from Somewhere Else _ Maeve Higgins _ Talks at Google
4. Well, if you have a look here, your current account and
Austerity - The History of a Dangerous Idea _ Mark Blyth _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour current account
1. Current account: July current account (c/a) reading was once again higher than expected at $2.1 billion.
2. Second, an eventual move to a current account balance in the United States would require a reduction in the current account surpluses everywhere else.
3. The National Consumer Council rejected compulsory current account fees.
4. Mr Buffett‘s focus is on the US current account deficit.
5. In 2004, the current account balance was $68.7 billion.